Youth centre Rock Room evolves into a small studio for young musicians

A close up of Rafael De la Durantaye at a microphone at the CFIM studio.
Executive Director of the Maison des jeunes L'Havnir Rafael De la Durantaye. Photo by CFIM.
Jonathan Patton - CFIM - Cap-Aux-MeulesQC | 17-03-2021
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A few months after its inauguration, the Rock Room initiative, supported by the Havre-Aubert l'Havnir youth center, is already entering a second phase of development.

Following the acquisition of instruments, the music room is now equipped with microphones, a console and a computer with the necessary recording software.

The director of the organization, Rafaël De la Durantaye, explains that this equipment will allow young people to archive their musical pieces and also offer the possibility to amateur groups to create their demos.

Two young musicans play at the Havre-Aubert Youth Center with orange curtains in the back

The Rock Room at the Havre-Aubert Youth Center. Photo by CFIM.

The purchase of the musical instruments in the first phase cost just over $38,000 for the Rock Room's opening in November.

The budget for the second phase is estimated at $8,500.

According to De la Durantaye, the Rock Room was an immediate success, to the point of noticing a significant increase in the attendance of the Havre-Aubert youth centre by young people from the Central Island.

The young musicians can also count on one of the centers new hires who is specialized in Jazz interpretation.

The Havre-Aubert Youth Center will also be hosting a few outdoor movie nights with the confirmation of a new project.

Listen below for the full interview: