What enticed an Abbotsford City Councilor to run?

Curved mountain road
Les Barkman, Abbotsford City Councilor, shared with CIVL how he went from a roads and sanitations supervisor to City Councilor. Photo Courtsey to Getty Images.
Surjit Atwal - CIVL - AbbotsfordBC | 22-08-2022
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What led to an Abbotsford CIty Councilor to run. Les Barkman, Abbotsford City Councilor, shared with CIVL what caused him to run in local elections. Barkman says," I ended up working as a roads and sanitations supervisor, looking after snow plowed roads, garbage routes, that kind of thing. Now working on the inside, it's one of those ideas, if I was king for a day, how would I change or make the city a better place".  He adds," I though from being in the inside, I had opportunities there... I though maybe being City Councilor one day would be a better deal."