After experiencing trials, tribulations, and frustrations in getting her electric vehicle (EV) home from Prince Edward County, Oakville resident Pat Lockhart decided to voice her concerns in a Globe and Mail letter to the editor. Lockhart shared some of the details of her experience, including the non-functioning state of the downtown Picton supercharging station:
When asked about the current state and future of the County’s EV charging infrastructure, Mark Kerr, communications and consultation supervisor with the municipality, responded (on August 2nd) that “staff are working on a strategy to expand EV charging infrastructure” and they “intend to present that strategy for council's consideration in early 2023.”
As well, besides an upcoming charging station in Bloomfield, Kerr highlighted that “staff are learning from other municipalities about models for delivering EV charging infrastructure that leverage federal funding, user fees and partnerships to fund the service, without putting pressure on the municipal tax-supported budget.”