PC Leader calls for the resignation of housing minister, says people have lost confidence

A man wearing a blue suit and a white shirt and glasses stands outside in Newfoundland on a sunny day. There is a row of multicolored houses behind him,
PC Leader Tony Wakeham is calling for Housing Minister Paul Pike to step down. Photo courtesy of Tony Wakeham's Facebook.
Tonya Organ - CKVB - • Corner Brook | 25-10-2023
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Newfoundland and Labrador PC Leader Tony Wakeham is calling for the resignation of the province’s Housing Minister Paul Pike saying people have lost confidence in the Liberal Government’s response to the housing crisis.

Wakeham says the last week and a half in the House of Assembly has been a time of confusion with government’s announcements on housing. 

“One day, they have 750 new units, next day they have 11, then one day 32 units in Corner Brook are part of a new 143 unit build, then they’re not, but now they’re being torn down because they’ve gone beyond repair,” he says. 

Wakeham says people are losing confidence with government and this has to change. The Stephenville-Port au Port MHA says he’s getting calls from people who say interest rates on their mortgages are costing upwards of $700 a month. 

The housing crisis facing Newfoundlanders and Labradorians did not start two weeks ago, Wakeham says, it has been brewing for years.

Listen to this CKVB story below and other stories on the Bay of Islands MHA Eddie Joyce's response on the housing crisis, the Canadian Legion's poppy campaign is underway and a Montreal filmmaker talks about his documentary on finding his birth parents in NL: