Parks Canada bans smoking in Glacier and Mt. Revelstoke National Parks

A barren mountainside with another two mountainsides on the horizon. The air between the two is smoky.
Conditions around Revelstoke and Mt. Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks were smoky the morning this photo was taken, on Friday, Aug. 4. Photo by Parks Canada.
VF 2590 - VF 2590 - RevelstokeBC | 04-08-2023
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Smoking is banned in Glacier and Mt. Revelstoke National Parks until further notice. This is an attempt to reduce the risk of human-caused fires as fire resources are stretched thin and hot, dry conditions persist across B.C.

There is also a campfire ban in both parks.

Parks Canada is also urging people to make sure their vehicles don't overheat as they drive up Meadows in the Sky Parkway, and to pull over to cool down. They also don't want visitors to park on vegetation.

A fire at Uto Creek has been burning since July 9, caaused by a lightning strike. It has grown to over 1600 hectares.

Parks Canada's fire team is monitoring and maintaining the fire using natural features, active suppression, and strategic ignition. That means they're lighting fires ahead of this fire to reduce the fuel in its path.

This fire isn't threatening humans but it's close to the Uto and Copperstein Creek patrol cabins in the park. It's only two kilometres away from the Purcell Lodge, which is just outside the park boundaries. Parks is working to protect these structures.

To report any fires, illegal campfires or suspicious smoke that you see in Mt. Revelstoke or Glacier National Parks, call the Parks dispatch at 877-852-3100.