New direction: Southern Cortes Community Association elects board of directors

Sunburst colours of yellow, red and orange adorn an outdoor peaked roof at Mansons Landing community hall.
An artist's depiction of a sun rising in brilliant reds, oranges and yellows adorns the peaked roof face of Mansons Landing community hall. Photo courtesy of Greg Osoba.
Greg Osoba - CKTZ - Cortes IslandBC | 09-12-2021
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A changing of the guard is underway at a community association on Cortes Island.

At the Southern Cortes Community Association's recent annual general meeting, on December 5th, a slate of candidates was elected by members to the board of directors, ushering in a new leadership team that envisions more events and activities, all while maintaining a plethora of existing core services.

Newly elected board member Cora Moret says that by inviting participation from a broader spectrum of the population, through an expansion of activities at Mansons Landing community hall, further opportunities for human connection will occur, enriching the fabric of the community.

CKTZ News explores the details with Cora Moret: