The question of the night at last night's (Tuesday August 8th, 2023) Six Nations Elected Band Council's (SNEC) weekly liaison meeting, questions were raised about where The Six Nations Elected Band Council stands on its residency bylaw.
The question was raised by a community member who came forward at the meeting on Tuesday evening questioning the stance of the "Six Nations of The Grand River Indians Residency Bylaw of 1989".
The current Six Nations residency bylaw only allows for registered band members to reside on the reserve. However, the community member claims no action has been taken to enforce the bylaw, prompting his question about whether the bylaw still stands and why it is not being enforced.
The community member claims his neighbour is a non band member residing on Six Nations. The community member filed a complaint with the Six Nations Police, however the police were not capable of taking action as the neighbours legal address was not located on Six Nations.
SNEC did acknowledge their previous knowledge of the ongoing situation and SNEC Darrin Jamieson said “I think it goes back to a bylaw that is flawed and the flaw is enforcement".