Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) and its finance department presented the organization's financial statements for the second quarter of the 2023 fiscal year and says it's well within its budget that was approved in March.
Jennifer Court, SNEC Director of Accounting and Financial Analysis, broke down the financial statements for the community and council during the Dec. 4 General Finance meeting.
Councilors discussed that a number of the departments showed a deficit in the financial statements presented, but Court explained that because surplus funds from previous years are not tracked in the current fiscal year statements they "artificially show a deficit." Court also explained that the current $2 million deficit that council has accrued over this fiscal year is significantly less than the budgeted total deficit approved of $11 million halfway through the year.
Court gave her input on council's current financial landscape.
"From a financial professional judgement, I don't see any cause for concern at the current level of where things are sitting."
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