The Cortes Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA) is currently accepting applications for a Covid Community Recovery Coordinator to assist the island’s economy, small businesses, partner organizations and individuals in moving beyond the pandemic.
The job will commence with an assessment of needs on the island, which will then determine future programs created. According to Beatrix Baxter, who sits on the board of directors, CCEDA’s vision is to work with all great candidates, including the successful person for this particular role, to leverage their strengths and passions as a way of defining a project’s specific direction.
In 2019, CCEDA evolved its name and mission from the previous Cortes Island Business and Tourism Association (CIBATA). Screenshot from CCEDA's website.
Baxter said the right person will “help connect and support others in creating meaningful opportunities, whether it’s for an existing business or for their own entrepreneurial idea -- how to actually take it to the next level and find funding and partnership within the local community.”
The role is initially financed through the Island Coastal Economic Trust, with the intent of the new position becoming a permanent role in the community.