Upper Grand representative says ETFO is ‘tired of waiting’ following strike vote

A child raises their hand in a busy classroom of youngsters at desks.
As negotiations continue between provincial government and the union representing elementary school teachers, a local representative's patience is running low. Photo by Canva.
Riley Gillespie-Wilson - CICW - FergusON | 20-10-2023
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Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario (ETFO) members voted 95 per cent in favour of a strike this week.

It's been over a year without a contract for members of the union, whose president claimed the government is "stalling" when addressing media following the strike vote. President of Upper Grand ETFO, Krista Pedersen, told The Grand at 101 ETFO is "tired of waiting" for a fresh deal. Pedersen explains there has been progress made in the ongoing negotiations. She added there are dates set as early as Friday.

"We are still in negotiations. We have two dates coming up; October 20th and 27th. There has been some good progress," Pedersen stated.

"Our education worker table has a tentative agreement. Education workers in Upper Grand aren't unfortunately represented by ETFO so it doesn't apply to our board," she went on.

Pedersen says since they applied for conciliation, ETFO's goals have not changed.

Conciliation is defined as "a process in which a professional facilitator assists employers and employees to resolve disputes."

"They (ETFO) want to see support provided for students with special education needs. We want the government to address staffing issues and both issues around recruitment and retention of teachers," Pedersen said.

"We want a fair compensation offer tabled. We want violence in schools addressed," she added.

Pedersen also pointed out 95 per cent is a figure that will send a clear message to the government.

She said she maintains hope the conciliation method will lead to a fair agreement.

Listen to the CICW story below: