Northern BC is a very large area. From the archipelago of Haida Gwaii to east of Prince George, there is a vast range in community sizes and distance between them. While most communities are part of a large power grid (either from Kitimat or Prince George), outages are still a common event in the region.
Now, as fall subsides to harsher, colder and more extreme winter weather, BC Hydro implores residents of the north to be prepared for planned and unplanned outages.
In a recent release, the Northern Division of BC Hydro offered tips for preparing yourself, family, and home for those cold, dark nights and days:
Prepare for outages
"Power outages can happen at any time. While we work throughout the year to minimize their duration and impact, it’s difficult to know how long they’ll last. That's why it's important to always be prepared.
Start by making an emergency kit and an outage plan. Then familiarize yourself with our important safety information, including what to do during an outage and if you come across a down or damaged power line.
How to get prepared for a power outage
Whether at home or at work, there are steps you can take to ensure your family and co-workers are prepared if the lights go out.
What you should know to prepare for outages
Here's what you and your family should know to help you prepare for power outages:
What to do if your power goes out
First, you’ll want to make sure we’re aware of the outage. You can do this by checking our outage list. If you don’t see your outage listed, call us at 1 800 BCHYDRO (1 800 224 9376) or *49376 on a mobile. If you have a MyHydro account, log in and report the outage online.
Get other tips on what to do during an outage.
What to do if you see a fallen power line
It’s impossible to tell just by sight or sound if a power line that has fallen on the ground or become damaged is still live – it doesn’t always spark, smoke or make a buzzing sound. That's why if you come across a down or damaged power line, it’s important to treat it as an emergency situation. Stay back at least 10 metres (the length of a city bus) and report it to 911.
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