By Roy L Hales
For the first time in her 13 years as Cortes Island’s Regional Director, Noba Anderson writes that there is so little substantive information in the Strathcona Regional District budget that she cannot do her job. Anderson made this comment in a report, in which she alleges witnessing the erosion of the budgeting process over the last number of years.
Screenshot of Regional Director Anderson taken during one of the many Cortes Island community ZOOM conferences during the spring of 2020. Photo by CKTZ.
“This year, I see essentially no room for informed director input,” she said.
Consequently, Anderson will be voting against this budget.
“After our last Board meeting, I asked both the Chair of the Board and the Chair of EASC (Electoral Areas Services Committee) to discuss the matters below with me. Both declined,” she added.
This is not the only concern Anderson raised in her report to the board.
“By provincial legislation, it is my understanding that we are supposed to update our core long-range planning documents every 5 years…”
She provided a list of delinquent planning documents:
- Cortes Island OCP (Official Community Plan) has not been renewed since 2012
- Quadra Island OCP – since 2007
- Cortes Island Zoning Bylaw – since 2002
- Menzies Bay OCP – since 2000
- Area D OCP – since 1996
- Menzies Bay Zoning Bylaw – since 1996
- Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw – since 1993
- Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw – since 1990
In recent years, Director Anderson has raised concerns or mentioned the SRD’s delinquent long range planning documents.
In response to Cortes Currents queries about Anderson’s statements, the SRD’s Communications Coordinator emailed that there would be no comment.
“The Board will address the report when its received and at that time follow up will be included in the SRD board minutes or online via the recordings," they wrote.
But the board chose not to comment when it received Anderson’s report.
Links of Interest:
- Cortes Island Official Community Plan Bylaw 2012 (#139)
- Quadra Island Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2007 (#3050)
- Cortes Island Zoning Bylaw, 2002 (#2455) (Electoral Area ‘B’)
- Menzies Bay Area Official Community Plan 2000 (#2224)
- Oyster Bay – Buttle Lake (Area D) Official Community Plan 1996 (#1857)
- Menzies Bay Zoning Bylaw, 1996 (#1794)
- Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw, 1993 (#1460) (Electoral Area ‘C’)
- Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw, 1990 (#1213)