Smithers Council discusses moving homeless encampment

Photo of homeless encampment in Smithers across from the Town Hall
The homeless encampment at Veterans Park in Smithers is home to about 11 residents who may have to move the long standing camp to a less visual location. Source: Dan Mesec
Daniel Mesec - CICK - SmithersBC | 11-04-2023
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This evening Smithers council will decide on how to proceed with amendments to the Parks and Open Spaces Bylaw Number 1951. That would allow for overnight sheltering and camping in many Smithers’ owned properties, including many community parks. 

Two weeks ago a public forum was organised by Council to hear concerns from the community members regarding the changes to the bylaw and the reason for the proposed changes, a town sanctioned homeless encampment on Veterans park next to the library. The decision made could either designate the current location of the encampment to stay where it is. Move it to a new designated area, or allow for overnight sheltering several parks across Smithers.  

"Were just trying to live our lives," said Floyd Hysums, one of the camp residents. "We look out for people in the camp and try to make sure people don't cause trouble. But the town people still blames us for all kinds of stuff."

Many of the concerns stem from a rise in break-ins and thefts, which many want to associate with the encampment, but residents of the camp feel many people have it all wrong. Most people living at the camp are not there by choice. Residents of the camp said they didn’t even know there was a bylaw change coming, if they did, they might have shown up to the forum. According to them, no one from the town of Smithers has even ask camp residents what could help them. 

Hear the full episode below.