Six Nations ‘Walk The Tract’ event scheduled for September

Six Nations Central Administration Building. Photo by CJKS.
Andrew Dow - CJKS - OhswekenON | 02-08-2023
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Six Nations is organizing an event next month to promote education and partnership during ongoing Haldimand Tract litigation.

"Walk The Tract" aims to educate residents living within the Haldimand Tract on the Haldimand Proclamation and promote allyship within those communities as Six Nations continues its ongoing land claims litigation case against both the federal and provincial governments.

Six Nations Elected Council have teamed with TAP Resources to help organize and manage the event.

The event will have its ceremonial opening take place in Dundalk on Sept. 23. Participants will then make appearances at the two planned education stops per day by walking through the different townships and cities to arrive at each stop. The walk will make stops in Fergus, St. Jacobs, Kitchener, Brantford, Cayuga, and Port Maitland.

The educational stops in each community will all feature similar programming which includes musical, performances, traditional singing and dancing, indigenous food tasting. SNEC members will be in attendance as well as Indigenous educators and scholars who have worked and studied on projects within the Haldimand Tract and will be speaking during the different stops.

SNEC and TAP resources said that despite the current legal proceedings, this event is meant to build friendship.

"We're working really hard to make sure that this campaign is being presented and delivered from a point of celebration, friendship and allyship and our focus is on educating on the Haldimand Deed," Tuesday Johnson-Macdonald of TAP Resources said. "One of the objectives is to ease the mind of people along the tract, that we are not going after land back, but holding federal government accountable."

SNEC approved various event branding motions that were up for vote during the July 25 general council meeting. The "Walk The Tract" event is set to take place over a three-day period, Sept. 23-25.

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