Six Nations Santa Claus Parade returning in November

Santa Claus candies lined up in a row all wearing red hats and suits with big white beards.
After the past two years of cancellations, the Six Nations Santa Claus parade will make its return to the community. The parade's committee is seeking funding that will help upgrade some of the previous features of the parade. Photo courtesy of Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay.
Andrew Dow - CJKS - OhswekenON | 14-10-2022
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After a few years away due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Six Nations Santa Claus parade will be making its return for the first time since 2019.

For the November event, the Santa Claus parade committee is looking for funding from Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC). The committee has asked for $6,500 in funds to provide advertising, new signage, floats, candy and a new Santa Claus outfit for the parade. In previous years, the committee has gone through the Six Nations Gaming commission to fund the event but this year those funds are not available.

Chief Mark Hill spoke on the parade making its return and being hopeful that vendors could also sponsor some floats in this years parade to bring more variety to the event.

"It's been on my mind for some time, in terms of really trying to beef up our community events and our community pieces to the events. I'm just wondering that we do a lot of business with a number of different vendors. Is it a possibility say, for example, Pepsi and all of our vending. You see all of the bigger companies really taking part in nice events and local parades and so forth," he said.

"I'm wondering if we can see who our top ten vendors [are] and put a request on behalf of the committee to say 'can you please put a float into our parade,' just because we do a number of business with different vendors and I think it's the least they can do to come and help support our local events," he added.

Hill was also asked about if SNEC would have float in this years parade and he expressed a desire to have SNEC participate with the different departments throughout the community.

"We should be able to have 20-30 floats in that parade, maybe even more just based upon the vendors and the departments. I think it would be nice to see a nice council float," Hill said.

The parade will take place Nov. 19 starting at 10 a.m. from the Ohsweken Speedway.

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