Santa Claus cruise is coming to Fergus

A photo of someone dressed as Santas behind a float of pine trees in a Santa Claus parade in Fergus in 2018.
The 2018 Santa Claus parade in Fergus. Photo by Austin Cardinell.
Kayla Kreutzberg - - Centre WellingtonON | 24-11-2020
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Fergus will be moving away from their traditional Santa Claus parade, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, they will be doing a Santa Clause Cruise on Dec. 5 from 1-4 p.m.

Jim Dandy, Santa Claus parade chairman, explained the idea around this year’s parade.

“Rather than [have] Santa come downtown, we’re going to start on the northwest side of town, and I’m going to drive with a police escort, we’re going to have the antique fire truck from the [Fergus] fire department, and Santa will be in his cutter on a trailer pulled by a pick-up,” Dandy said.

Dandy told The Grand 101.1 about the planned parade route.

“So, we’re going to work our way south, staying between Beatty Line and Highway 6 until we get to the southside of town, and we’re going to cross right by Tim Horton’s, and then come and do the east side of Highway 6,” he said.

Dandy said they will cover as many streets as they can, and they will end on Gordon Street. This route will allow them to slide on and off Highway 6, making all right turns, so no streets will be closed.

Dandy said people can watch the parade from their windows or driveways. He stressed not to form any groups or gatherings.

The Fergus Lions, Centre Wellington Optimists, and the Fergus Kinsmen will also make sure the Centre Wellington Food Bank isn’t forgotten about during the parade.

“Following the parade, but not part of the parade, the food bank will drive the route, and if you are able to wait outside or watch for them, they’ll be picking up donations,” Dandy said. “Or if you’re uncomfortable with that, they do have the ability to accept donations at their facility.”

Dandy adds around this time of year, there are people who do need assistance and the food bank does a marvellous job at helping.

Jim Dandy, Santa Claus parade chairman: