It's been a long time coming, but the president of the Revelstoke Rod and Gun Club, George Buhler, says the pistol range at the new gun range will be open at the end of this week.
“It’s a good move, we’re getting out of the city, the noise issue will be gone, we’ll be able to do all the shooting we want here.” Buhler said.
It's called the Frisby Range, and it's located down Westside Rd. behind the dam on 32 hectares of land that the club leases from the city for free because it's a non-profit organization.
The range is opening is phases. The first thing that will be open is the 100 metre pistol range, which will be used by rifle shooters too until the 400 metre long gun range is open, which should be at the end of this month.
The 100 metre pistol range at the new gun range will be the first thing to be open, on July 6 or 7. There will be targets up, and rifle shooters will use this until the long gun range is open. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
There is also an eight acre wooded area that will be used by bow and arrow shooters, and an area for trap and skeet shooters. These areas will be open last, Buhler said.
The club's original gun range, Bullet Basin, is in the Arrow Heights neighbourhood. Neighbours have been increasingly upset with the noise from the shooting. The club acquired this land on Westside Rd. ten years ago, but couldn't do anything with it without funds.
The club bought the land in Arrow Heights in 1958. They sold it last year for $1.1 million, and are using that money to construct the new range.
Construction crews in what will be the 400 metre long gun range. It's projected to be open at the end of the month. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Listen below to a radio story about the Frisby Range.