Queens University researchers are leading a research initiative to more accurately diagnose Lyme Disease. The MyLyme project is running its third annual survey for Canadians affected by tick-borne illnesses. One of the researchers, Madelaine Gravelle, a Masters of Psychology student, says this year there is an increased focus on understanding how Lyme Disease shows up differently in different regions of Canada, and how that information can better inform health policy, empower practitioners and patients to make more accurate and specific diagnoses.
According to Gravelle, people bitten by a tick carrying Lyme Disease often develop symptoms that look like other diseases.
"Lyme Disease is a great imitator... people are often misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue or depression." She adds you require a positive serological or blood test to be diagnosed in Canada, people can test negative and still be carrying the disease.
The survey is available at MyLyme.ca
Listen to the CFRC interview with Madelaine Gravelle below: