Public leans largely in favour of splash pad

Red brick municipal building. Sunny day. Grass in foreground.
The Odessa Municipal Office where Loyalist Township Council Meetings are held. Photo provided by Loyalist Township.
Ted Evans - CJAI - StellaON | 16-08-2023
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Loyalist Township council received the results of the public engagement regarding splash pads on Aug. 14 and there was an overwhelming majority response. The Splash Pad Communication Plan and Engagement Report showed that out of 1,364 surveys completed, 93 per cent were in favour of a splash pad within the township.

Communication and engagement with the public took place in May and June. Just under 94 per cent of respondents were residents of Loyalist Township.

Staff noted that the planning of infrastructure should include consideration of the best location, the design, the building materials, surface options and inclusivity. Consideration will also be given to which type of water operating systems would be appropriate for the township. Other factors the township will need to consider include access to municipal water, maintenance and disinfection, daily operational requirements, drainage of the water used, and regulations related to pooling water.

The township's new parks and recreation master plan, slated for completion by June 2024, looks to identify all these factors, and will, ultimately, identify the preferred location for a splash pad.

Coun. Paul Proderick noted his excitement for moving forward with the splash pad.

"You see over a thousand responses on the internet, so there is an interest out there and I look forward to where we're going with this," said Proderick.

Mayor Jim Hegadorn spoke about what he saw as positives from the public engagement.

"We had a great turnout on this from the public. We thank them for that. That certainly allows us to know what direction we need to be looking in," said Mayor Hegadorn.

The report also noted that pricing for splash pads is dependent on the size, shape, and the features. The type of surface and water system also factor into the cost. Landscaping, fencing, and other amenities such as washrooms, parking, benches, playgrounds, and shade structures in the area surrounding the splash pad will be taken into consideration as well.

Other costs associated with the splash pad include chemicals, supplies, training, and staff time as well.

When it's fully arranged, a final list of costs will be presented to council for consideration.

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