Prince Edward County Council presses pause on water lines for new development

A man wearing black and standing behind a podium speaks into a microphone while gesturing with his right hand. There is a woman with long blonde hair wearing a pink jacket sitting behind him next to a wall with six framed pictures on it.
Rick Conroy addresses PEC Council. Photo: CJPE
Brenda Little - CJPE - PictonON | 01-12-2023
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Prince Edward County Councilors were burning the midnight oil at Tuesday night's council meeting. One of the issues addressed was taxpayers concerns about spending $20 million dollars on water trunk lines for the Cork and Vine Kaitlin development.

There was a unanimous decision to put the brakes on for the time being and seek legal advice regarding various aspects of the project.

The council chamber was packed with individuals and groups presenting  deputations reminding Council members that there was no guarantee that spending for trunk lines now would lead to shovels going into the ground.

Rick Conroy, former owner and publisher of the Wellington Times pleaded with Council to put the brakes on the decision. Former Councilor, Ernie Magetson made several suggestions to go forward which Council considered. It was Wellington Councilor Cory Engelsdorfer who hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that no representation from the Kaitlin group was present at such an important  meeting.