By Roy L Hales
COVID-19 has not had a negative impact on the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) electoral area’s finances. The accounts carry a surplus forward every year, and 2020 is no exception. SRD staff just released a preliminary surplus report for the electoral areas.
In the podcast below, Chief Administration officer David Leitch explains this year’s $325,529 surplus for planning to Regional Director Jim Abram.
The surplus for planning is on budget and should be carried forward to next year. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Areas where there were savings
There are areas where the electoral areas saved money this year because of work not done and services not performed.
For example, close to $75,000 was saved (compared to last year) for administration of the four electoral areas.
Map of the 5 Municipalities and 4 Regional ares in the Strathcona Regional District. Photo courtesy of the SRD.
Summary for Cortes Island
Most of the items for Cortes Island are on budget, and there are also several surpluses:
- The Cortes Island Fire Department deferred implementing its First Responder program until 2021 due to COVID-19
- There was a $43,149 surplus for community parks
- Close to $19,000 available for feasibility studies on Cortes was not spent
- A $2,660 budget for heritage conservation, carried forward from 2019, remains unspent.
Gorge and Mansons Halls were recently given their annual stipend. For comparative purposes, it is interesting to note that this is a little more than half of the subsidy given to the Quadra Island Community Centre.
Preliminary Surplus Report for Cortes
Preliminary Surplus report on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Financial contingencies unspent for 2020. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD reporting it is on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Cortes Island Fire Department opted to defer rollout of service to 2021 due to COVID-19. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Operating expenses under budget due to lower than anticipated tipping fees and unspent contingencies. Tipping fees were to rise 7 per cent in 2020 with budgets assuming increase would occur in January, increase did not occur until September. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Notes: $5,000 public education (recycling) budget not spent in 2020; $3,100 travel/training and contingencies unspent in 2020. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD reporting that it is on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Government Transfers include $8,000 project carry forward; $2,500 carry forward for minor capital improvement project; $29,000 operating variance due to staff vacancies.; $10,000 under budget for minor capital expenditure and misc. maintenance. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Areas projected to be within budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD Contingency amounts unspent in 2020. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Summary for Quadra Island and Area C
There were a number of unspent items in the Area C (Discovery Islands – Mainland Inlets) budget:
- More than $56,000 of the budget for parks within Area C remains unspent
- Close to $42,000 of work on the Quathiaski Cove sewer, on Quadra Island, was deferred
- $20,000 allotted for feasibility studies was unused.
- More than $7,000 of the Grants in Aid budget is still available
- The Quadra Island Community Hall did not spend $6,100 of its budget for maintenance and contract contingencies.
Preliminary Surplus Report for Area C
$19,560 actual spend to date as of Oct 20/20. (2019 Annual spend was $25,860). Typically this function maintains a surplus and budget to account for any opportunities that arise through the year. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
This budget accounts for the three wharves acquired in 2014 and funded by Transport Canada. Funds are drawn as expenses occur, therefore these wharves do not generate any annual surplus. Work plan delayed by staff vacancies and turnover. $30,000 operating contract budget unspent. $62,000 variance due to unspent contingencies. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD Contingencies unspent for 2020. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD reporting that it is on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
$5,000 carry forward of roof replacement project; $8,600 under budget on repairs/maintenance; contingencies and misc. expenses; $28,000 wastewater treatment plant engineering, $3,500 outfall/inspection, $1,000 legal contingency unspent; $3,800 under budget on materials, tipping fees, travel and insurance.
SRD reporting it is on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Full spend assumed for 2020 in case opportunities arise in the remainder of the year. This function is typically underspent each year; budget serves as a contingency for grant funding opportunities that arise throughout the year. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Government Transfers include $35,000 carry forward for projects. $6,000 carry forward for various new parks signage. Staff vacancies, training, and travel under spent $30,700 to operating variance. Under spent $2,250 legal fees, permits, and memberships. Minor capital expenditure and misc. maintenance contingencies for parks and wharves were under budget a total of $15,300. $2,500 materials/supplies, advertising, and office expenses. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
$20,000 Quadra Community Hall Assessment Project being carried forward. $6,100 under budget on maintenance and contract contingencies. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
Contingency amounts unspent in 2020. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.
SRD reporting on budget. A screenshot from the 2020 Preliminary Surplus Forecast courtesy of the Strathcona Regional District.