PEC Council approves spot road repair program and street sweeper replacement

A group of government officials and support workers sitting in modern black office chairs around a circular-like and hollow conference table. A large flat screen monitor hangs on the far wall, showing a political meeting's web streamed proceedings.
Prince Edward County Council in its newly renovated chambers at Shire Hall, Picton. Photo by Alex Wright.
Alexander Wright - CJPE - PictonON | 01-09-2023
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On Tuesday, Prince Edward County Council authorized $603,893.15 (plus taxes) worth of road repairs along with the purchase of a $461,597.00 (plus taxes) replacement street sweeper.

The county’s road surface spot repair program budget was doubled to $622,000 during the 2023 operating budget process, and it will most likely be utilized as the county only received one bid submission (for a similar amount) during tender, from Kiley Paving Ltd.

County staff did not recommend issuing another tender for the work, even though there was a lack of competition. This was due to the limited number of large-scale paving contractors willing to work on smaller scale work such as road spot repair.

Council also awarded FST Canada Inc. over $460,000 for the provision of a replacement street sweeper after the original unit was involved in a collision in the spring of last year. Proceeds from its insurance policy covered about half the cost.

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