The Whaletown Community Club (WCC) recently approved the expansion of the Parents and Tots program at the Gorge Hall from a seasonal program to a year-round one. The WCC has secured funding to allow the program to continue through the summer and into next fall and winter uninterrupted.
Facilitator Serene Watson said the expansion process was simple.
“We have a very vibrant community at Parents and Tots at the Gorge Hall these days. And the parents were wondering, ‘Why wasn't this gonna happen in the summer?’...So with the parent interest and then I approached the WCC, whose board agreed to fund it through the summer. So we're gonna go for it.” The decision was made in March.
Watson is relieved to see the gathering shift into a year-round model, as she, the parents and toddlers all look forward to the weekly, free gathering. On average there are 6-10 participants, or 3-4 families attending. The facilitator said food plays a role in the "vibrant" social scene.
“Families will bring their own snacks, but then all of a sudden there might be a communal snack. And then I've started bringing fresh fruit and we're always offering teas and sometimes we have other treats. So it's just a community snack time.”
The programming accommodates caregivers, parents, tots and their younger siblings too. Watson is adapting to growing families with a new extension into the fireplace room. Beginning in May, Parents and Tots is now on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Serene Watson, the facilitator is reachable for inquiries and donations at
To hear more about the young family programming in Whaletown, listen to the CKTZ News Update below: