Ottawa police report city still gridlocked, but situation is improving

Ottawa police, who have been responding to the ongoing demonstrations at Parliament Hill since the weekend, say they are making progress with truckers. Photo by Meara Belanger.
Meara Belanger - CHUO - OttawaON | 03-02-2022
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The Ottawa Police Service says most demonstrators at Parliament Hill have dispersed, but those who remain are, “highly determined and highly volatile.”

Since arriving in Ottawa over the weekend, the convoy of truckers demanding an end to all COVID-19 mandates and restrictions has gained national attention, as well as the ire of Ottawa residents. 

Ottawa police estimate there were between 8,000 and 15,000 people, and thousands of trucks in Ottawa’s downtown core over the past weekend. Now, they say “several hundred” trucks remain, and the demonstrators’ numbers are dwindling.

Ottawa police say this is in part due to their “measured approach” to negotiations with the truckers.

On Wednesday, the city and the Ottawa Police Service delivered an update to the public, during which Acting Deputy Police Chief Trisha Ferguson told residents the police were taking a “measured approach.”

“Successful negotiations by our police liaison team has resulted in cooperation with some truck operators, and has led to the reopening of some key roadways and bridges,” says Ferguson. “I want to stress that the results and opening up routes are due to patient negotiations with demonstration organizers and individual truck operators, and these are ongoing.”

Several arrests have been made in relation to the demonstrations, and the Ottawa Police say there will be more to come. On Wednesday, Police Chief Peter Sloly told residents they would find and charge “bad actors”—even those who live out of province.

“There are consequences for your behaviour,” says Sloly. “It does not matter how long it takes. We will find those who committed the criminal acts and we will lay charges against them.”

Police are currently investigating 25 other incidents related to the demonstrations. Sloly indicated that the Ottawa Police have also identified an element of the demonstrations from the U.S., who has greatly contributed to the funding and organization of the convoy.

The police response in Ottawa now includes regional forces from Toronto, Durham, York, London, Hamilton, and Gatineau, as well as provincial police from Ontario and Quebec, and the RCMP.

The police added they expect more protestors to gather in the downtown core and on Parliament Hill this weekend.

Listen to the CHUO news update below: