As of Jan.1, drivers of federally regulated commercial buses and trucks will be required to have an electronic logging device to record their driving time.
Joel Turner, manager of the motor carrier division at the department of public works, said this works as a benefit for drivers and carriers, or the companies that operate vehicles, because it will reduce the administrative burden on them and save administrative time.
Joel Turner is the Manager of Motor Carrier Division at the Department of Public Works. Photo contributed.
"In 2021, the federal government introduced and passed legislation to bring in electronic logging devices as part of this mandate. What has changed is this is a new method of recording that's been introduced formerly, it was done on paper manually, and now it's being done electronically," said Turner.
As of 2019, the rule has been effective for any Canadian carriers that passed into the United States as well.
"We're going to allow an extra year for carriers that only travel within our province to have to comply with this rule. So it won't affect carriers that strictly operate inside Nova Scotia until 2024," said Turner.
Listen to the full interview below: