Northern BCers anxieties are on the rise

a silhouette of a head with a puzzle piece missing
The Canadian Mental Health Association reported a 41% increase in anxiety since 2020
Pamela Haasen - CICK - SmithersBC | 14-03-2022
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According to research from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and the University of British Columbia, the pandemic has led to significant mental health challenges and stress for people living in Canada, especially for those who may have lost their jobs, individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions, youth, members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and individuals with disabilities. 41% of people living in Canada say their mental health has become worse since the pandemic’s onset.

Northern British Columbians are not immune to the same anxieties as most Canadians.

CICK News spoke with Manager of Education and Projects of the Canadian Mental Health Association in Northern BC, Shirley Hogan to discuss the resources that are available to northern BCers through the Northern Health website.

Listen below to Pamela's interview with Shirley Hogan.