Local community continues to come together in support of the Ukraine

Pictured is Bohdana Zwonok with the Canada Ukraine Foundation logo behind her. She is sitting at a table with some of the meal items that will be available.
Bohdana Zwonok, in collaboration with Les fermes PB, has launched a Solidarity With Ukraine meal box fundraising campaign with all proceeds going towards the Canada Ukraine Foundation. Photo courtesy.
Taylor McClure - CIDI - KnowltonQC | 27-05-2022
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Bohdana Zwonok, in collaboration with Les fermes PB, a social enterprise in Marieville that creates gastronomy in support of charitable causes, has launched a Solidarity With Ukraine meal box fundraising campaign with all proceeds going towards the Canada Ukraine Foundation. This is one of many initiatives for Zwonok, who is of Ukrainian descent, in support of her home country during the war.

Zwonok grew up in Montreal after her parents fled from Europe during the Second World War. While she continued to study the history, culture, and language of Ukraine during her childhood, she eventually distanced herself from her roots; that is until the war broke out. 

“I realized then, that it was such a big part of me, that it was time for me to reaffirm my roots when the motherland of my parents was needing all of our support,” said Zwonok. 

With family members still residing in Ukraine and Poland and the devastation of the war, Zwonok could not sit back. 

“You know the song by Midnight Oil ‘How can we sleep when our beds are burning’? So, every night, when I would watch the news, I just could not believe how horrible this continuing genocide was of my people, of my country. I felt a call from my heart and the community here has been extremely supportive,” emphasized Zwonok. 

A couple of months ago, Zwonok did a humanitarian drive in Knowlton where she, amongst a group of volunteers, collected supplies that they transported to two churches in Montreal. The supplies were then shipped off to the Ukraine or kept for the refugees that are expected to make their way to Quebec. 

“Thanks to the media coverage, I got a call from a local farm called Les fermes PB. Les fermes PB called me and said ‘hey, we want to start a fundraiser by selling Ukrainian ethnic food, authentic, and using it as a fundraiser,” explained Zwonok. “(…) They asked me which foundation I would choose and I said the the Canada Ukraine Foundation.”

And the Solidarity With Ukraine meal box initiative was born. The Canada Ukraine Foundation has direct ties with the Ukraine government and proceeds from the initiative will help the foundation provide exactly what is needed in terms of humanitarian aide in the country. 

“Within four days, the Congress (Ukrainian Canadian Congress) and the Canada Ukraine Foundation, within four days of the beginning of the war they were already sending supplies to where they were needed. Not to the safe places, but where they were needed,” mentioned Zwonok. 

The Solidarity With Ukraine meal box initiative will be running until June 12 and Les fermes PB will help transform the food to create 500 meal boxes. Vegetarian options will be available. 

“We organized a committee, the Ukraine Committee, I’m the coordinator of the Ukrainian branch, and Chantal Brodeur and Janick Martin, the social entrepreneurs, we linked our efforts together to put together an interesting menu. Some Ukrainian women will be making the Pyrohys (pierogis),” added Zwonok. 

With future initiatives already in the works, including the possibility of having more meal boxes in the fall, Zwonok said she will do everything that she can to support Ukraine. 

“The needs grow in the Ukraine as the popularity of the subject seems to decrease in the media. So keep in mind, if you hear less about it, doesn’t mean it’s less important to contribute.    Needs are going by the day, by the second, by the minute,” noted Zwonok. “(…) Remember the aftermath, the rebuilding, the re-establishing the safety feeling in each individual, my heart goes out to the and I will try to contribute as much as I can.”

To order your meal boxes and for pick-up dates and times: Les fermes PB. 

Listen to the full interview below: