Wîpac Macihta (Early Learning) Indigenous Childcare Centre opened in March of this year in Edmonton, just after businesses started to open when COVID-19 restrictions were lifted.
It is one of four childcare centres that the Oliver Centre manages that provides Indigenous-focused teachings on story time, songs, language, dance, music and many other experiences. It runs programs for kids ages one to five. The centre also has a speech pathologist that comes in twice a week and an occupational therapist once a week.
Brigitte Cockney, program manager, says most of their staff is Indigenous and she’s happy that they can teach the children some culture within the centre.
“We teach the language and like the seven grandfather teachings, we do smudge ceremony, we have a lot of our Indigenous families, extended families, we invite guests in such as grandparents, we want to do more storytelling actually yesterday we just had one of the dads come in to do some drumming and singing, one of the moms here who works here actually she’s a jingle dress dancer. So we really use our resources within our cohort. It's been very beneficial which is amazing.”
Learning through play activities at the Wîpac Macihta (Early Learning) Indigenous Childcare Centre. Photo: Wîpac Macihta (Early Learning) Indigenous Childcare Centre.
Young Indigenous girl excited for smudging time. Photo: Wîpac Macihta (Early Learning) Indigenous Childcare Centre.
The Oliver Centre has been around for 40 years and organizes three other daycares. They provide breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.
The Wîpac Macihta Indigenous Childcare Centre is open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. until 5:45 p.m. and is located off Stoney Plain Road and 158 St. N.
Childcare spots are still available and your child does not have to be Indigenous to attend.
A government subsidy is available for those who qualify. Further information can be found on their Facebook page.