HACI refines new summer moorage system

Scale maps of the Cortes Government Docks strewn across a table.
Harbour Authority of Cortes Island manager created scaled maps of all the government docks to compose summer reservation plans. Photo by Jenny Hartwick.
Loni Taylor - CKTZ - Cortes IslandBC | 06-04-2023
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The Harbour Authority of Cortes Island (HACI) just opened summer moorage applications this week for locals to reserve space on government docks through the high season.

The docks serve commercial fishing and shellfish operations as well as tourism operators, recreational boaters, liveaboards and water-access-only residents. Manager Jenny Hartwick and wharfinger Don Tennant are working together to accommodate the wide range of uses for the docks, after implementing a reservation system last year.

HACI introduced the system in April 2022, but despite the changes and an awareness campaign over the winter, many dock users are still learning about the new system. Hartwick spoke with CKTZ about the current status of availability for summer moorage on the docks,.

“Due to the large number of moorage requests that we're receiving now, it might not be possible for us to accommodate everyone at their first choice dock.100% we will find them a space at one of the docks on Cortes, but it may not be their first choice dock,” Hartwick said.

Since the implementation of the new system last year, things have been running smoother, according to Hartwick.

"From a dock management issue, it made our life much easier. It allowed us to track the number of vessels that were going to be at the dock...and that really allowed us to manage the overall capacities of the docks."

The mandate of the government docks, which is a part of Small Craft Harbours under the Department of Fisheries, are primarily to serve the commercial fishing and shellfish industries. But similar to many hospitable Gulf Islands, liveaboards are relying on moorage at the docks. HACI said it is continuing to do everything they can within their scope to accommodate all dock users, but they have already reached capacity for liveaboards.

“The way the Harbor Authority has attempted to deal with this is that we have a limited number of spaces available for liveaboards. Currently, all the liveaboard positions are full, so we are not taking any additional liveaboards at any of the government docks on Cortes, simply because we need to maintain (and) meet Small Craft Harbor's mandate.”

The summer moorage application process opened April 1. There are over 35 applications submitted so far, primarily for Cortes Bay and Whaletown. Both of those docks are currently at capacity, so all those requesting will be waitlisted.  Hartwick noted a variety of ways to apply: locals can visit Cortesharbours.ca to find the application as well as the various methods it may be submitted.

To learn more about the how the government docks on Cortes Island will be managed this summer, listen to the CKTZ News update below: