The twelve people vying for a spot in Revelstoke's new council participated last night in a moderated forum hosted by the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce.
Two people are running for mayor including current mayor Gary Sulz and current councillor Nicole Cherlet. Ten people are running for the six council positions including current councillor Tim Palmer.
There is one woman running for a council spot, and one woman running for mayor.
Chamber of Commerce President Maggie Spizzirri moderated the forum, which was livestreamed and recorded. About 140 people were at the Revelstoke Community Centre to attend the forum, and about 105 were watching the livestream.
Candidates had two minutes to introduce themselves, one minute each to respond to nine questions, and two minutes for final words. Questions were submitted beforehand by email, and people were able to write down questions at the door. Topics ranged from leadership style, Revelstoke's culture, sustainable tourism, climate change, and the housing crisis.
There is another forum tonight at Revelstoke Secondary School through the main entrance for the eight candidates running for the five school board trustee positions. It starts at 7 p.m.
The first advance poll is tomorrow, Oct. 5 from 8 a.m to 8 p.m. in the MacPherson Room at the Revelstoke Community Centre. If you're registered to vote in B.C. you don't need I.D. to vote. Otherwise, bring two pieces of I.D. including something with your current address.
The next poll is Oct. 12 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the same place. The general election takes place on Sat. Oct. 15 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
StokeFM interviewed the ten councillor candidates and two mayoral candidates.
Councillor candidates
John Hordyk
John Hordyk is running for a spot on council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Austin Luciow
Austin Luciow is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Lee Devlin
Lee Devlin is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Gary Eddy Shultz
Gary Eddy Shultz is running for council. Photo submitted by Gary Eddy Shultz.
Tim Stapenhurst
Tim Stapenhurst is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Rushda Rubaia
Rusha Rubaia is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Matt Cherry
Matt Cherry is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Tony Jeglum is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Aaron Orlando
Aaron Orlando is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Tim Palmer
Tim Palmer is running for council. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Mayor candidates
Nicole Cherlet
Nicole Cherlet is running for mayor. Photo by Meagan Deuling..
Gary Sulz
Gary Sulz is running for mayor. Photo by Meagan Deuling.