Fundraiser launched to cover lost pay following sanctions against town councillor

A woman with salt-and-pepper hair and a heather grey V-neck shirt smiles at the camera in a portrait shot that appears to have been taken indoors.
Wendy Alder, pictured here, launched a fundraiser for Sackville town Councillor Bruce Phinney after he was sanctioned for code of conduct violations. Photo submitted.
David Gordon Koch - CHMA - SackvilleNB | 25-07-2022
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A fundraiser has collected more than $1,400 for a Sackville town councillor.

"I don't agree with the sanction," said Wendy Alder, who launched the campaign.

"I don't know the rules... But I know, for example, in the normal workplace, you couldn't suspend somebody and then still expect them to work, which is what they've done."

Alder launched the GoFundMe after town council voted to sanction Phinney earlier this month over code of conduct violations. 

The reprimand includes a two-month suspension of Coun. Bruce Phinney's salary.

Town council hasn't disclosed the nature of the code of conduct violation, or the identity of the complainant, but CHMA has attempted to piece together the story in this report.