338Canada’s projection for Sept. 6 shows the NDP on the verge of winning five or six of Vancouver Island’s seven federal seats.
If the electoral projection website is correct, the NDP are riding on a wave of pubic support that they have not seen since 1988 when 43.9 per cent of the Island’s popular vote was NDP. They had 40 per cent in yesterday’s projection.
Chart compiled from election data and 338Canada Sept. 6 projection by Roy L Hales. Note: The number of ridings increased from 6 to 7 in 2015 and identifications with previous ridings are approximate.
So far during this election, 338Canada projected that the Conservative party would replace the Greens as the Vancouver Island’s second choice in terms of popular vote.
Yet the only riding where someone not belonging to the NDP enjoys a comfortable lead is Saanich-Gulf Islands, where Green Party leader Elizabeth May has been the MP since 2011.
Rachel Blaney was elected in North Island -Powell River, as part of an NDP sweep in which they captured 6 of Vancouver Island's 7 ridings.
Since 338Canada was launched in 2017, its software correctly predicted the outcome of 7 out of 8 elections. It also correctly identified the winning candidate for each riding 88.3 per cent of the time.
"The 338Canada project is a statistical model of electoral projections based on opinion polls, electoral history of Canadian provinces and demographic data. This web site is the creation of Philippe J. Fournier, astronomy and physics professor at Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montréal," the 338 website states.
A combination of demographic and polling data is used to project the outcomes of federal and provincial elections.
The calculations change every time new data is introduced.
For example, throughout most of the 2019 federal election, the Green Party was depicted leading in four Vancouver Island ridings. However, this changed by election day, when 338Canada correctly projected the NDP winning five seats and Green Party MPs being elected in two.
There are still 13 days, and two federal leadership debates, until election day on Sept. 20.