A local organization Eco-East is joining the Climate Strike on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Friday.
Several members of EcoEast will be attending and some are arranging carpooling from locations in Eastern Ontario.
According to the organization, Eco-East started in 2010 because the community of Russell was threatened by a proposal by a consortium created between a developer and a waste service (Taggart Miller Environmental Services) to put a mega-landfill in a former quarry which had become a lake. Originally called Dump the Dump Now, then CESA-EO (Citizens Environmental Stewardship Association East of Ottawa), after the landfill plan was scuttled in that particular location it became Eco-East, a grassroots non-profit dedicated to environmental sustainability between Ottawa and the Quebec border.
For more information about EcoEast, or to join the Climate Strike, visit their website.
CJRO spoke with chairperson Thaila Riden about the initiative and why it matters: