Council approves updates to strategic plan

Council chambers of the County Court House where Lennox and Addington Council and Committee meetings are regularly held. Photo provided by Lennox and Addington County.
Ted Evans - CJAI - StellaON | 06-10-2023
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Lennox and Addington County has two new documents for their 2023-2026 strategic plan.

Notes taken from a strategic planning session on May 10 helped form a first draft and shape the final documents. According to the plan, council has four main guiding principals to help inform decision-making and the implementation of strategic priorities.

  1. We exist to serve our public
  2. We are committed to evidence-based long term visioning and sustainability
  3. We are a voice to influence change
  4. We embrace synergy as a key to success

The county's current mission statement reads: "To enhance the quality of life and sense of place in Lennox and Addington through teamwork, innovation, sustainability and
customer service excellence."

Their vision as is follows: "To be a vibrant, viable and healthy community celebrating our rich historic and natural assets while supporting opportunities for future generations."

On May 24, council approved the narrative descriptions of the strategic priorities of council, and the strategic priorities at a glance document. This information was also based on the May 10 planning session.

At their most recent council meeting, staff consulted with council to ensure their input had been addressed in the final documents. Most members of council felt their concerns had been noted in the plan. Coun. John Wise mentioned the environmental impacts.

"What particularly struck me was how thoroughly incorporated the climate change action plan and other environmental policies are in every aspect of the operation. And to me that indicates that this is a systemic change, and that's critical for this issue, which I think is the most important issue facing human civilization." said Wise.

Others felt the time line for some projects may be an issue. Coun. Tony Fritsch noted the fast-approaching deadlines.

"We can't initiate all of these actions at once, so to me, the plan looks pretty aggressive and reasonable, and we're nearing the end of the first year with three more to go. So hopefully through some other iterations of this, we will get where we desired to go," said Fritsch.

This strategic plan will last until 2026.

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