Traveling exhibits, educational workshops, book launches, and special guests occupied a buzzing summer for the Cortes Island Museum and Archives Society (CIMAS). Program coordinator, Laura Balducci, noted just how popular the summer season was at the museum,
“Our workshops have been very well received, maybe a little bit more well received than what we were expecting."
Some highlights from the summer include the traveling exhibit, `The Suitcase Project”, which is on display until November 29th. Bee expert, Steve Sheppard, also made an appearance this summer, bringing in a crowd to hear him speak in reference to the exhibit “Listening to Bees”. A workshop in Japanese Cooking with Suzu Matsuda was almost instantly sold out and had a waiting list.
As the summer concludes, and the tourists decline, the museum looks ahead at an equally enriching autumn season. Balducci reviews some of the prospects ahead,
“In October, we're hopefully working towards doing some educational programs with all the different schools on island … the public school, the home schools and the Cortes Island Academy. ”
CIMAS is actively looking for input and presenters from the local community to contribute ideas to the museum.
To hear more about the success of the CIMAS summer season, listen to the CKTZ News Update below: