Cortes Islanders meeting regularly to promote collective action on climate change

Black and white protest sign declaring There is No Planet B
Fridays For The Future protestor demands action on climate change. Image courtesy of
Greg Osoba - CKTZ - Cortes IslandBC | 26-01-2022
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Since last November, a dedicated group of Cortes islanders has been meeting every Friday to protest the slow progress on climate change and other issues, and to find ways to have their concerns heard. They call their gatherings "WTF Fridays."

Organizer Max Thaysen says the group is taking inspiration from Swedish activist Greta Thunberg's Fridays For The Future initiative. He says the organization was formed to address the need for individuals to express their fears, angst and frustration about climate change inaction and other issues facing humanity.

Thaysen adds that the forum is part group therapy and also serves to demand that those in leadership roles take what he calls “the climatic calamity” seriously, and move on with urgent action.

Thaysen believes that small grassroots organizations like WTF Fridays can make a difference and influence change.

CKTZ speaks with Max Thaysen for an inside look at grassroots activism on the island: