Christmas parade returning to Liverpool

Logo depicting a cartoon image of Santa Claus
The Liverpool Fire Department Christmas Parade is back this year. Contributed by Terrena Parnell
Ed Halverson - QCCR/CJQC - LiverpoolNS | 28-10-2021
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A Christmas tradition is returning to Liverpool.

The 11th annual Liverpool Fire Department Christmas parade is scheduled for Nov. 28.

Co-chair of the organizing committee Terrena Parnell says the parade was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, but with restrictions easing this year, it’s time to bring the event back.

“We felt that with the gathering limits lifted that it’s a great time to try and help people get into the Christmas spirit after the last 19 – 20 months that we’ve had,” said Parnell.

She and co-chair Diane Warner posted the notice to social media at the start of the week that they would once again organize the event and already over a dozen groups have committed to participating.

Parnell expects people will see all their favourites return this year including: marching bands, floats, community groups, four-wheelers, fire trucks and of course, Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Even though folks will be in a jubilant mood, Parnell says everyone still must practice COVID-19 precautions including wearing masks and social distancing.

All participants walking or riding in the parade must show proof of vaccination.

Organizers are also working on providing a link to a live-stream of the parade on their Facebook page for anyone uncomfortable with being out in a large group.

Parnell and Warner have set themselves a tough task, trying to put together a parade in a month but Parnell says they are undaunted.

“The first year that Diane and I took it over, it was a month, and we had a huge parade,” said Parnell. “We’re hoping to have the same thing this year, with it just coming back after a year hiatus, we’re hoping that we’re going to have a humungous parade.”

Parnell says the community really gets behind the event with the Liverpool Fire Department, Region of Queens, and RCMP all donating time and resources to make it happen.

The parade will start from the Queens Place parking lot at 6 p.m. and make its way through Liverpool before ending at Main and Market streets.

Anyone wishing to participate can contact Parnell (902-350-2762) or Warner (902-354-8177) through the Liverpool Fire Department Christmas parade page.

Parnell says she’s excited to once again be in the parade and look back on people who have come out to watch and share the Christmas spirit.

“I get to see the faces of kids and that is the most important thing,” said Parnell. “It’s all about community and it’s all for the kids.”

Twitter: @edwardhalverson

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