At-home hot lunches comes to North Queens

A pizza
Meals On Wheels is coming in to North Queens. Photo by Ed Halverson.
Ed Halverson - QCCR/CJQC - LiverpoolNS | 04-11-2021
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Meals on wheels is coming in hot to North Queens.

At the start of November, the VON program expanded from a frozen meal service for people who have trouble leaving home to include a hot lunch delivery service.

Community support services program coordinator Heather Kelly says the program has evolved from its initial purpose of serving people who struggled to cook for themselves.

“Nowadays, the program is sort of expanding to people that don’t have time or don’t have time to get out,” said Kelly. “For them, it’s just easier to have a meal delivered to them.”

Hot meals will be provided off the regular menu at the Hollow Log café for a cost of $6 per meal, subsidized by the VON.

Volunteers pick up the meals each day at 11 a.m. and spend two hours delivering to homes around North Queens.

Kelly says making regular contact with people in their homes can be a lifeline for some.

“When we deliver everyday to somebody’s house that sort of indicates that there’s somebody that’s home all the time, they don’t get out a lot,” said Kelly. “Which is great, because then they have a visit everyday from somebody that will become a familiar face to them, a familiar, friendly face, and somebody that’s basically checking on them everyday to make sure that they’re okay.”

Kelly says the hot meals launched Nov. 1 to 14 clients but has capacity to serve 25 people.

Anyone interested in volunteering or making use of the Meals on Wheels service can reach out to her by e-mail at or phone 902-350-2971.

Twitter: @edwardhalverson

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