The Six Nations Wildlife and Stewardship office revealed that a rare albino hummingbird species has been seen and documented making its home on the territory of six nations.
Lauren Jones Wildlife Management Assistant was able to find the species during her ecological land classification fieldwork days and said that the find was very exciting news. In an email Jones shared that while on fieldwork during an ecological land classification (ELC) investigation she and her team discovered 2-3 albino hummingbirds.
Albinism is a genetic condition that tends to be very, very rare. There are a lot of different species that can have albinism including dogs, humans, and zebras. Albinism results in the complete lack of production of melanin – causing white fur/feathers/hair and often, red eyes. In the wild, Albinism can often be problematic for an animal as this opens them up to increased predation.
Jones said the fact that they are not only here on six nations but that we have multiple, is very exciting.
The albino Ruby-Throated Hummingbird can be seen sitting amongst the trees in a marshy area on Six Nations. Photo Courtesy of Lauren Jones
As of now, the Wildlife and Stewardship Office plans to leave them alone, appreciate that they are here, and check back next year to see if they return. If anyone on six nations has seen albino Hummingbirds, know that you are seeing a very rare and unique animal. And Jones says she’d love to hear about their experience.
The Six Nations wildlife and stewardship office is still completing Ecological Land Classification investigations throughout September. And encourage people to reach out if there are areas on their property, they think Six Nations Wildlife should check out and to keep an eye out for the rare animals in the field.
Six Nations Wildlife and Stewardship remaining ELC days are: