City of Revelstoke urges people to follow water restrictions

A sprinkler in a garden with raised gardens..
City bylaws say sprinklers and irrigation should only be used in the morning. Photo by Meagan Deuling.
Meagan Deuling - VF 2590 - RevelstokeBC | 11-07-2023
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Water use in Revelstoke in the evening is getting extreme.

Steve Black, the city's lead engineer, says it's because people are watering their lawns at night. While precipitation is lower than average and the province is in a drought, Black says the issue here is that the reservoir needs to refill at night, and the high use of water in the evenings is hampering that.

That's why city bylaws state that people must irrigate their lawns and wash their driveways and sidewalks in the morning, between 6:00 and 10:00. Current restrictions say even house numbers can water on even days, and odd houses on odd days.

Black says the city has had to be using its well at the golf course to supplement the water supply during this hot spell more than they would like to.

He said the city is close to having to enact stricter restrictions, and that bylaw will be out enforcing the water rules. Fines are $100.