Former Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Councillor Linda Staats passed away on Monday and the community is remembering her contributions.
Staats had been councillor for District #5 under the Fifty-Second Elected Council from 2001 to 2004. She was also a former educator in the Six Nations community and dedicated to advocating for proper education on the territory. She was the Founding Chief Executive Officer of Six Nations Polytechnic from 1993 to 2009. In addition, she had been a principal in Northern Ontario and from 20014 to 2020 the Principal of Kawenniio/Gaweniyo (K/G) language school on Six Nations.
“She accepted a call to serve as principal after the passing of the former principal. This was a challenging period, but Linda was able to successfully and competently navigate the school through this trying time due to her strength, knowledge, and skills as a principal, acquired over years in education. She understood the meaning of the K/G education philosophy importance to the community. Her contribution to keeping the program intact will never be forgotten and we are thankful for her service at K/G," Chair of Kawenni:io/Gaywenni:yo Ruby Jacobs stated in a Six Nations press release.
"May she rest in the arms of the creator,” she added.
Six Nations Elected Chief Mark Hill gave a statement on behalf of council:
“We are honoured to be able to witness Linda’s work and advocacy for the Six Nations community. Her leadership and mentorship of many Six Nations families will not be forgotten,” he stated in the release.
Listen to the report below.